Thursday, January 8, 2009


Mountain Stogovo can be reached by bus that goes from Skopje to Debar, at the place called "Boshkov most" (bridge), you have to get down from the bus. After that you can go on foot or a car at asphalt road until village of Gari, about 9 km. In July and August there was a direct bus line to the village from Skopje (you have to check that at the start of the summer) at the bus station. At the village you can spen the night at the Pensionary home who is usually open or with tent at nearby river "Garska reka" right behind the village. The markation starts from "Boshkov most when you get down from the bus, first it is rare untill you reached the village Gari. From the village it goes beside river "Garska reka" to the shepard houses "Golema megdanica", you need 2 hours untill there. From there the route is leading to the saddle "Kanesh" (2047 m), between peaks "Babin srt" and "Golem rid". From the saddle you have to go left by the ridge untill you climbed "Babin srt" (2242 m). From "Golema Megdanica" you need about 2 hours untill the summit, total 4 hours in one way. The route is marked and the stamp should be at the pensionary house at village Gari.

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