Sunday, January 11, 2009

Caves in Macedonia

There are 346 registered caves in Macedonia - a heaven for adventurers and high-adrenaline lovers. Due to inaccessible routes and non-exploration, only four caves are under state protection as natural rarities: Gorna Slatinska, Mlecnik, Ubavica (Kicevo), and Pesna. All remaining caves are a challenge for explorers.

Caves are found in Macedonia's karst areas, which are primarily located in the country's central and western parts. These areas cover approximately 9.6 percent of Macedonia's territory. Research so far has identified 346 caves, although their number is believed to be between 400 and 500. The caves of Ubavica, Slatinski Izvor, Bela Voda, Alilica, and Dona Duka are among the biggest and most significant ones. Some caves have underground rivers, waterfalls, and small lakes, while most of them abound in stalactites, stalagmites, pillars, drapers, and corals. The caves are home to a variety of interesting fauna, such as crabs, spiders, bats, and various insects, which are accustomed to life in the dark and food shortage. Fossil remains of the extinct Pleistocene fauna, such as cave bears and sword tigers, are found, too.

Located right under the Solunska Glava peak in southwestern Macedonia , this is one of the deepest caves in the Balkans at a 450m depth. It maintains the same vertical pattern in the first 200 meters, after which it expands into a large chamber with arcs as high as 50m. This is the highest cave chamber in the Balkans. It features extraordinary ornaments of green ice and stalagmites of up to 2m height.


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